There will be no hassle of install or uninstall. When connected, you will be greeted with a setup configuration assistant that will help you setup the following:
Storage: you will be given some options of storage package with the price list. You select the storage requirement you need, made payments and the storage is yours. You can upgrade or downgrade the storage whenever you want according to the conditions you have agreed before making the payments
Programs and Applications: A list of the applications will be shown to you. Just as the storage, you will be given their package options and select the package you want. The package may consist of word processors, graphic tools, video tools, etc that can be used upon agreeing on a payment agreement. Just click on the package you want, make payments and use whenever you want bounded by the usage agreement.
What else? Antvirus? Firewalls? Oh all that will be taken care of by the provider... no need to worry about plugging in your USB and getting viruses or trojans spawning your PC.
PC konked? Just buy new hardware, connect to the internet, enter your ID code and you are back to using your PC again. No need to reinstall and no data loss.
Of course, there is always two sides of a coin. Contrary to the benefits mentioned, there are issues that need to be concerned about such as information privacy. We will never know how our information is being dealt with as our data and files are being kept at a storage not of our own. What if the data center is being hacked successfully?
Something to think about....
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